Impact, Legacy and Home Efficiency Secrets  

With Energy Saving Entrepreneur & Author   

John Lynn.      


Today on the mic we have home energy expert and author of “Home Energy Efficiency Secrets (The Inside Story)”  John Lynn.

John has achieved some incredible results with his own home and now shares how you too can achieve similar results. From way back in 1996 when John and his family lived completely off grid to today where he enjoys at least a 40% saving on his energy bill, John takes us on his journey. 

John has been researching and perfecting his methods and strategies for over 2 decades and is here to share what he has discovered and  some of the latest technology from around the world.

 From the most energy efficient building in the world in Abu Dhabi to the Empire State Building in New York to  remote Australia , John explains it all  in layman terms.

 Whether your motivation is to help save the planet or you want to save thousands off your energy costs this episode is a must.




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Value gems from the show today 


1. John Lynn Website   

2. John’s Book –  Home Energy Efficiency Secrets (The Inside Story) Click HERE

3. Email  Contact  for John Click HERE 

4. Energy Efficiency 101 Course Click HERE    

5. Discover clever tricks on how to reduce your electricity bill Click HERE 

6. Real Estate Agents/Brokers how to identify a property that is worth 15% more in the market place & rents for 7% more simply by       design. Click HERE  




The Big 3 Takeaways


1. It is possible to retro fit many older building to attain a substantial saving in energy and dollars.   
2. Germany and many other parts of Europe are leading the way in new technologies but they can be implemented everywhere.       
3. John has designed a home that is a pleasant temperature all year round without the use of electricity or other resource.     





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