Chris Jeong Ep        

             with John James Santangelo                  


Dreamers Believers & High Achievers Podcast with David C Lee and Raj Goodman Anand


Click the links below to redeem you special Audible FREE offer  or order your copy of Capture Your Dreams & Smash Your Fears.  

Capture Your Dreams & Smash Your Fears

David C. Lee has spent over 3 decades leading & bringing out the best in people. A veteran of covert operations & decorated during his service, David delivers proven strategies that have been tested tactically in business & in life.

Whether in the boardroom, loungeroom or in your community, this book is a must for anyone wanting success in life.

This book cuts to the mastery of life, in it David  will challenge your thoughts and you will discover how to simply,


– Rediscover your self-esteem and belief in yourself

– Harness the fear and power of change

– Achieve more, earn more and be more in all aspects of life

– Put failure in its place and how to use it to propel you towards     your dreams

– Discover what success truly means for you

Episode 72 Shownotes 

In this episode of the Dreamers, Believers, and High Achievers Podcast, I have brought someone truly extraordinary to the mic – John James Santangelo, PhD. Now,

Now John isn’t just any guest; he’s a powerhouse of knowledge and inspiration in the realms of personal and professional development. As a internationally celebrated speaker, NLP trainer, author, and results coach, John has dedicated his career to unlocking the potential within us all, guiding countless individuals and businesses to soar beyond their limits.


John’s credentials? Impressive doesn’t even start to cover it. He’s a leading expert in success principles, a master of communication, and a wizard in behavioral science. With his extensive background as an NLP trainer and clinical hypnotherapist, John knows exactly how to rewire our thoughts for success and fulfillment.


But what truly sets John apart is his real-world experience. He’s been in the trenches with some of the biggest names out there – from the Learning Annex and CSUN University to giants like Mary Kay, RE/MAX Realtors, and Xerox. John has done some incredible  with the L.A. Sheriff’s Dept., the Teamsters Union, and even the US Army counter-intelligence team post-9/11. John’s influence spans many sectors and situations, proving that his methods aren’t just theory; they’re powerful tools for transformation.


So, get ready to be inspired, challenged, and perhaps even transformed. John James Santangelo, PhD, is about to share his journey, insights, and the strategies that make excellence achievable.

Whether you’re looking to elevate your personal life, skyrocket your business, or simply find more joy and purpose in your daily grind, you won’t want to miss what John has in store. 

Don’t forget to check out and enroll in John’s FREE NLP Mini-Course at







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Value gems from the show today         


        1. earlibird AI Consulting 

        2. Chris’s FREE AI Group




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The 3 Big Takeaways From The Episode 


1.  Take the spotlight off of yourself and put it on your customers, give them what they want and not what you need.     

2.  When you are grateful there is no room for problems, there is only room for being grateful for something that has already happened in             you life. 

3.  Your life is nothing more than the decisions you make every single day.  




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